Sunday, December 28, 2008
Well, it's been a crazy few weeks, I'm not sure where to start...I guess I'll start with the good news, I'm pregnant! Ken and I are expecting our second child the end of June (June 25th). I seem to be having more difficulty with nausia this time and I'm getting big, fast! I'm already wearing some maternity clothes. I wanted to surprise my family with the news at our x-mas party, but I thought they'd all notice my big belly (and even more noticable, I wasn't drinking). I guess my sister-in-law Jenny noticed right away, but everyone else was pretty surprised with the news. (I already told my parents though, and my mom actually kept the secret!).
Bryson came down with an ear infection the week we were leaving for WI and had high fevers we couldn't control (up to 105-we went to urgent care in the middle of the night). He did very well on the flight to Green Bay and the pressure changes didn't seem to bother him, he slept most of the time. Over the next few days he seemed to get worse and just wasn't himself. When he developed a rash and started vomitting we figured he must be allergic to the antibiotics. Once we stopped them he started acting like his usual self again. But the next day his fever was back so we had to go back to the doctor to get new ABX. We drove to Madison for a quick visit with Ken's family. We had a nice get together with the Vandeleest family for christmas as well and my mom had the house fully decorated for the occasion. Bryson seemed to enjoy all the decorations, especially the dancing santa. What he didn't like was his snow suit (he looked so cute in it though!). He could hardly move in it, he cried when we put it on. He seemed to like the snow but needed to be carried around cuz he could hardly walk.
On Sunday we checked our flights and it looked like everything was on time, but when we got to the Green Bay airport our flight was canceled and they had us on a later flight. We got to Chicago, but that was it! Flights into Portland were canceled because of weather and the next flight out wasn't for three days! (Late christmas eve). So, we rented a car and drove back to Madison and spent a few more days with Mara and John (without our luggage, that got sent back to Portland.) Bryson got to go for his first sled ride, I had to sit behind him so he wouldn't fall back. He thought that was pretty fun. Luckily our flight to Portland went out and we were even able to get on an earlier flight. However, due to other unforseen problems we still didn't get home till about 11:00 PM. When we went to get our luggage we realized we didn't have the claim ticket and there was no way for them to track it down (it could be 4-5 days). Luckily we called Mara and John and they found it in the paper recycling at their place. When we finally got to our car there was about 2 feet of snow behind it and it was covered with 1/2 inch of ice. We had to use our chains to get out cuz of all the ice.
It sure is great to be home! Bryson seemed to be happy as well, he started playing with his toys right away. I couldn't believe how much snow we got (about 15 inches) we almost didn't make it down our street (they don't plow much here). It even snowed on Christmas Day (apparently it's a record, there's never been snow here for x-mas). I tried to get Bryson to make a snowman with me, but he didn't last very long outside. The snow is just about all melted now and I'm glad, I'm ready for things to get back to normal.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sorry, it's been a while since my last entry. Bryson had another b-day party on the 22nd for Jackson Blickenstaff. He really enjoyed the carrot cake with chocolate frosting! We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with Scott, Terri and Shawna. Ken made an excellent turkey! Bryson is 13 months old now, he can run (kind of) and loves to climb. He seems to be getting into something every time I turn around. He likes to pull all the toilet paper off the roll, dig in the plants and spill water. He's been saying "mama mama" the last couple days; I don't think he is saying it in relation to me, but who knows? I put up our Christmas tree yesterday and Bryson seems to really like it, I think we'll be in trouble when we decorate it though.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Bryson went trick or treating in our neighborhood this halloween! He went as a frog and didn't seem to mind the costume much, except he didn't like the frog hands. We had 4 kids come to our door this year, it was the first time we had trick or treaters since we moved here! It was a lot of fun! On saturday we went to Turner's first b-day party and Bryson had a great time. Bryson is a very busy little guy, he learned how to open the pantry door and is working on other doors as well. He seems to think "no" is a pretty funny word, especially when he is playing in the dirt of the plants.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Bryson had a great 1st birthday party! He received lots of great presents and ate his first cake, although he mostly just ate the frosting. His gramma and grampa Vandeleest flew into town for the occasion. There are more videos on his dropshots site as well....
Monday, October 13, 2008
We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend to pick out our pumpkins. Bryson had a pretty good time, he liked riding in the wagon. I made Agnes the scarecrow and Bryson seemed a little afraid of her. He would go up and touch her and then run over to my legs, it was pretty cute. He loves to play outside, when one of us goes out he goes to the door and bangs on it. It's too bad the weather is going to get cold and rainy soon. He seems to be interested in house-cleaning activities, he helps push the vacuum around and likes to use the broom.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Let's play!
Bryson and I made a box fort this weekend. He loves it! He opens the door and window and plays peek-a-boo. He has also started finger painting. He mostly just tries to eat the paint, but I think he likes it!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bryson is walking everywhere now, I think he's got the hang of it. He's been spending time with the older kids at daycare (the wobblers-1-2 yrs) and really likes it. He'll be moving to the wobbler room Oct. 20th. He has figured out how to open the sliding door and let the cat (and himself) outside. He also is reaching up onto stuff and pulled a plant down and made a big mess on the floor. We had some friends over this weekend to say good-bye to Jamie and Andy (and Turner) as they are moving to Bend, OR.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bryson's walking
Well, Bryson's walking! He took his first long walk two days ago, on my birthday (what a great birthday present)and he's been goin ever since. Watch out! He also drank from a straw for the first time, it was so cute!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I love my kitty!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
First Steps
Well, Bryson took his first unassisted steps yesterday. I set him down when I was getting ready for work and I turned to look at him and he took about three steps towards me. He's taken a few steps on his own a 3 or 4 times since then too. It won't be long and he'll be walkin' everywhere. He slept through the night on his own last night (7:00 pm-5:30 am). I didn't even need to go in to give him his nuk! He's finally sleeping in his own room! He is cutting his second tooth now, you can just see it coming in. I got a good picture of his only tooth the other day (plus two cheerios). The second picture is Bryson holding my leg and walking around with me. (He laughs when he does it, he thinks its hilarious.)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
go hippo go!
Bryson is finally tall enough to ride on his hippo. He can't really get it moving, but he bounces around on it. He went to his first rock concert on sunday at the oregon zoo. We saw Shawn Mullins and the Avett Brothers. It rained the whole time, but luckily we got there early enough to get a spot under the tent. Bryson had a great time, he wouldn't go to sleep with all the excitement. He likes to play pat-a- cake now and is talking my ear off! (loud too!). You can see some updated videos from this summer on his dropshot site.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
10 months old
We went on our first camping trip last weekend and had a great time! We went with a group of friends and took a hike to a beautiful waterfall. The campground didn't have running water and Bryson got DIRTY playing on the ground! Bryson and Jackson were mezmerized by the campfire!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
So here's Bryson walking with his hippo walker. He doesn't get tired of walking with it. We must have gone back and forth twenty times! Ken left for Madison yesterday, so Bryson and I have a week to ourselves. Bryson slept in his crib all night for the first time. He woke up a couple times but went back to sleep easily.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
9 Months Old!
Well, Bryson is 9 months old now. He weighs about 19 lbs. now and is 27.5 inches long. He's getting big! He is eating table food now, although most of it ends up in his lap. He's getting his first tooth! You can feel it, but you can't really see it yet. He's crawling all over and is getting pretty fast! He is getting better at standing and can walk holding onto things. He went for his first hike to Mt. Hamilton and saw waterfall a couple weeks ago. We dipped his feet in the cold mountain water. His gramma Mara and John came to visit last week. They got him a little swimming pool that he loves! He splashes and crawls around in it. We all sat in the creek to cool off and Keb chased rocks. As you see from the picture, Bryson loves beer bottles (takes after his dad)! Mara and John helped with some projects around the house and took care of Bryson while we were at work. Bryson got spoiled by gramma and John spoiled Keb with all sorts of treats. Ken and I just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. So much has happened over the last two years it seems like we've been married for ever!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
What a trip!
Well, we had a great trip to Green Bay. The flights went well, except we were delayed both ways due to thunder storms. Bryson started crawling as soon as we got there (no more commando crawl). He also was pulling himself up to stand everywhere. He loved the musical walker my mom got for him! He also started babbling more,saying ba-ba. He would say it every time you held up a beer bottle- he's learning quick! He has expanded his vocabulary now and says a variety of stuff including ma-ma and da-da. He also shown more interest in food and can feed himself a graham cracker. He also started crawling on his hands and feet. I think he's gonna walk before he's a year old! He's traveling all around the house now, he can even go up a couple of steps, but needs a little help on the way down or he does a face plant. He got a chance to do more swimming while we were in Green Bay, in a swimming pool and in the Bay. He also got to feed a giraffe at the zoo and was in a fourth of July parade at the cottage.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Green Bay here I come!
Well, we're getting ready for our trip to Green Bay this weekend. Bryson and I will be there over the 4th of July holiday. Unfortunately Ken and I got sick over the weekend, but we're feeling better. Bryson got to visit with his friends Jackson and Turner this week, I think they had a pretty good time together. Bryson is starting to crawl a little on hands and knees now and he trying to pull himself up to stand. I have to watch him much closer now, he's getting into everything! You can just see the excitement in his eyes when he sees something new to try out. I put a new video on dropshots. He always seems to poop when I get him in his high chair to feed him, so I started calling it his poop chair. He's been getting a little constipated since he started eating solids, I think it's pretty funny.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Watch out, here I come!
Well, here's a video of Bryson "crawling". He is exploring quite a bit now, I've had to move all our stuff off the low shelves. I put a new video on dropshots as well.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Little Badger on the Go!
Well, Bryson is feeling much better now... He had a cold for a couple weeks that developed into an ear infection. We had a few pretty bad days, but he's back to his usual rambunctious self. He is on the move! He can do a commando crawl now across the room. He can't quite move on hands and knees yet, but it won't be long now. I'll try and get it on video.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Summer's here!
Well, it's been hot here this week. We had a couple days in the 90's! So Bryson spent those days just in his diaper. (that's why he looks naked in most of the pictures). I finally got my garden planted this weekend and Ken finished the guest bathroom.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
We went out for breakfast on our first Mother's Day and Ken watched Bryson while I pulled weeds in the yard. I am working three days a week now, Ken watched Bryson on Friday while I was at work. After work we went to family swim and Bryson had his first underwater dunk. You can see the video on dropshots. He didn't love it and didn't hate it, I think he was just taking it all in. He's eating like a pro now, he was even "chewing" when I fed him today. He's not crawling yet, but he can move himself around on the floor where he wants to go.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Gotta wear shades
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Real food!
Well, here are a couple pictures from our visit to Green Bay. Ken had a good time hiking in Zion National Park, he said it was very beautiful there. Ken finally finished his bar room he has been working on for the last few months. It turned out pretty good, he constructed the bar himself, he's so handy! We'll have to have a grand opening party soon. Bryson had his 6 month check up this week. He weighed 16.6 lbs and was 26 inches long. He has dropped from the 50th % to the 25th % for height and weight. It looks like he's taking after the petite Vandeleests. The doctor felt this was a good time to introduce solids, so Bryson has been experimenting with rice cereal. The first few times he really didn't know what to do with it (see video) but I think he's getting the hang of it now. I can't really tell if he likes it or not, we're gonna try bananas today, maybe those will taste a little better.