Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What a trip!

Well, we had a great trip to Green Bay. The flights went well, except we were delayed both ways due to thunder storms. Bryson started crawling as soon as we got there (no more commando crawl). He also was pulling himself up to stand everywhere. He loved the musical walker my mom got for him! He also started babbling more,saying ba-ba. He would say it every time you held up a beer bottle- he's learning quick! He has expanded his vocabulary now and says a variety of stuff including ma-ma and da-da. He also shown more interest in food and can feed himself a graham cracker. He also started crawling on his hands and feet. I think he's gonna walk before he's a year old! He's traveling all around the house now, he can even go up a couple of steps, but needs a little help on the way down or he does a face plant. He got a chance to do more swimming while we were in Green Bay, in a swimming pool and in the Bay. He also got to feed a giraffe at the zoo and was in a fourth of July parade at the cottage.

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