Sunday, April 27, 2008

Real food!

Well, here are a couple pictures from our visit to Green Bay. Ken had a good time hiking in Zion National Park, he said it was very beautiful there. Ken finally finished his bar room he has been working on for the last few months. It turned out pretty good, he constructed the bar himself, he's so handy! We'll have to have a grand opening party soon. Bryson had his 6 month check up this week. He weighed 16.6 lbs and was 26 inches long. He has dropped from the 50th % to the 25th % for height and weight. It looks like he's taking after the petite Vandeleests. The doctor felt this was a good time to introduce solids, so Bryson has been experimenting with rice cereal. The first few times he really didn't know what to do with it (see video) but I think he's getting the hang of it now. I can't really tell if he likes it or not, we're gonna try bananas today, maybe those will taste a little better.

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