Bryson has really turned into a good helper this month. He helps pick up his toys and throws things in the garbage for me. His behavior is much improved as well and he even shares with Kyle on his own without being asked. He is talking much more and is trying to talk in full sentences. I think he gets a little ahead of himself though and you can only understand a few words and the rest is babble. He seems to enjoy playing with Kyle and will ask me to bring Kyle into the playroom to play with him. Now that the weather has been nicer we are spending more time outside. He loves to ride his bike and can go FAST! I can hardly keep up with him. He is also helping with the gardening and loves to play in the dirt.
Kyle turned one this month! He is getting around crawling and can walk holding onto things. He has just started to stand holding my hands, but still won't try walking. He babbles alot and loves to laugh and play with Bryson. Unfortunately, he is not gaining weight. At his 1yr. appointment he only weighed a little over 15 pounds. His length is growing on track, but he is not putting on weight. It hasn't helped that he's been sick the last couple weeks. We have an appointment to see a nutritionist the end of the month to check if he's getting enough calories. If it turns out he's getting enough calories they will do blood work to check for any disease that may be causing him to loose weight. He doesn't act as though he is sick, so I'm pretty optimistic he's just small. He loves to play with cars and rolls them on the ground while he crawls, its so cute! He got a few of his very own cars for his birthday which he really likes.
We had a wonderful visit with my parents last weekend. We had a late Cinco de Mayo celebration on friday and went to the park with the boys. Kyle wasn't feeling well the first few days, but really perked up by the end of the visit. We had a birthday party for Kyle on Sat. And everyone decorated a car cake or two for his party. The most popular cakes were the police car, fire truck, race car (complete with spoiler) and the cement truck. I also made a pinata and put on a puppet show. The party was sponsered by the letter "C", so I made a cat pinata (filled with candy) and did a C for cookie puppet show and we ate car carrot cake, chicken, carrots, cellery, corn, cheese and crackers and chips for the meal. The older boys also tooks turns riding in Bryson's power wheels car. I made the pinata fairly indestructable and my mom had to step on it to get things going. Bryson cried all the way to school after we dropped my parents off at the airport. I'm not sure if he was crying because they left or because he wanted to go on the plane. But, we sure do miss them, I think both the boys really enjoyed playing with them and my dad was able to get Kyle to sleep better than anyone. Don't forget to check out the videos, I've got the puppet show and Kyle's birthday on there!
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