Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Two years old!!!

Bryson turned two on Sunday. We had the Blickenstaffs over for dinner and cake. Bryson got a bunch of Thomas stuff and a mega blocks garage set up with a bunch of trucks(thanks vincent!)It was hard to get him to open all his gifts because he just wanted to play with everything. I made him a Henry (from Thomas the train) cake and he seemed to like it. I put his Thomas sheets on his big boy bed, but I still can't seem to get him to sleep in it. We went to the pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago and Bryson picked out his own pumpkin. He helped me carve and decorate the pumpkins and runs outside to see them everyday. Kyle is doing great he is almost rolling over now and can hold his head up when he's on his tummy. He likes to watch Bryson play and he laughs at him often. Our insurance issue is being appealed and it sounds like there's a good chance they will pay our hospital bill, so that is a great relief. We are getting excited for our trip home, now I need to get packing!

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