Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th!

Bryson and I had a little 4th of July parade down our street. We decorated his wagon and waved flags. Of course Bryson didn't want to ride in the wagon, he wanted to walk! It was a very hot weekend (90's), so we sat in the creek one afternoon to stay cool. Bryson had a great time, it was a good thing he had a life vest on, cuz he was being a little dare-devil. He's starting to enjoy the water more.

Kyle is two months old now! He had his checkup with the doctor yesterday and he is right on track with his growth, but his lab results for his growth panel were abnormal. So, I'm waiting to hear from the nutritionist, he may need to go back on some fortified milk because he's not getting enough vitamins and minerals from my breast milk. She also found a hernia below his bellybutton which is pretty common I guess.

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