Friday, July 24, 2009

Hot summer!

Well, we've had some real hot days this summer and more to come (100's next week). Bryson and I have been spending some time at the fountain by the school to keep cool. He's still a little afraid of the water, I don't think he likes to get his face wet.

Ken and Sheila have been working hard getting our house painted. I think it looks great, I'll post some pics when they they finish (hopefully this weekend.) Kyle is getting much better head control and really looks around at his environment. His doesn't like to sit in is bouncer chair, but his likes his activity mat on the floor. Bryson likes it too, he points to the mat when he wants me to put Kyle on it. I have to watch him real close though, he can get too rough with him.

Bryson loves his Thomas the Train video. Every morning he wakes up and points to the TV and says 'train". He wants me to sing him songs when I feed the baby (he waves his arm up and down) and will only let me sing the Thomas songs, he cries when I sing anything else.

My garden is doing well. I posted a picture of a crazy carrot from my garden. It looks like a man running, he even has a penis!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th!

Bryson and I had a little 4th of July parade down our street. We decorated his wagon and waved flags. Of course Bryson didn't want to ride in the wagon, he wanted to walk! It was a very hot weekend (90's), so we sat in the creek one afternoon to stay cool. Bryson had a great time, it was a good thing he had a life vest on, cuz he was being a little dare-devil. He's starting to enjoy the water more.

Kyle is two months old now! He had his checkup with the doctor yesterday and he is right on track with his growth, but his lab results for his growth panel were abnormal. So, I'm waiting to hear from the nutritionist, he may need to go back on some fortified milk because he's not getting enough vitamins and minerals from my breast milk. She also found a hernia below his bellybutton which is pretty common I guess.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kyle's first outing

Well, things are going great! Kyle has mastered breastfeeding, no more bottles and I've tapered off my pumping to just 2x/day. By next week I should be finished with the pumping all together. Kyle has reached his "birthday" now and he's starting to really wake up. He is awake more and seems to be looking at you now. He is getting chubby cheeks, so I think he is still gaining weight. We went for our first family outing over the weekend to the Columbia Gorge with our friend Sheila. The trip went well, we just had a hard time fitting everybody in the car with the dog and the BOB. (we had to strap the BOB to the top of the car). We may need to get a bigger car!

Bryson had a little scare last week, he fell in the house (unfortunately no one saw him) and wouldn't put any weight on his left leg for almost a full day. When we brought him into the urgent care, he was finally starting to walk a little (but with a limp). They recommended just to keep an eye on him and get an x-ray if it wasn't better in a few days. He seems to be back to his old self now, running around as usual, so he must have just sprained his ankle or something. But it really slowed him down for a couple days. Bryson is showing more and more interest in Kyle. He likes to touch his hands and feet and point to his body parts and he loves to give him kisses!