Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

We had a wonderful holiday season this year. Bryson really got into Christmas and Santa this year. His behavior was the best ever and he even started going poop on the potty. (Unfortunately, he has discontinued this practice since santa came.) He was pretty impressed with all the presents on Christmas morning and was able to pass them out due to the picture tags. Mara and John came to visit for Christmas and Bryson was a good little baker, helping gramma make bread and decorating the cookies with sprinkles. He even went door to door Christmas caroling for the neighbors and dropping off cookies. We took the Amtrak train to Portland one day and Bryson really enjoyed it he has been asking to go for another train ride.

Kyle is starting to really exert his independence. He is talking better and can express his needs and if he doesn't get what he wants he throws a tantrum. He is more particular about his toys and fights over them with Bryson, now he wants all the cars (even Bryson's) to play with. He likes to do things on his own and doesn't want to be carried anymore. He enjoyed all the new toys at Christmas, but wasn't excited about opening gifts. He loved to play with the Christmas tree ornaments (Bryson too).

I added videos to the drophots site too.