Well, Ken has nearly completed the house painting. He just has a few touch ups to do and to put the gutters back on. I am very happy with how it turned out. We got Bryson a big boy bed. It also turns into bunk beds so we'll be able to use it later too. So far he's only napped in it once. I don't think he's ready for it just yet, but we have a month or two before Kyle will grow out of the cradle. Kyle is doing great, he smiles alot and you can tell he is looking at you. He has also started cooing. He weighs about 10 lbs now. Bryson likes to ride his bikes, read books (the same ones over and over and over....) and watch his Thomas the Train movie. He loves the swings at the park. We bought plane tickets to go home the end of October, it'll be great to see everyone again. Check out the new video on drop shots......