Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bryson's first trip to Mount Hood

We went snowshoeing at Mount Hood on Monday. The weather was beautiful, it was almost too warm! It was our first outing with the baby, we took turns carrying Bryson. Boy is he heavy!

My grandfather turned 90 yrs old this December.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Picture time!

We took some pictures of Bryson this week. He has discovered his hands and is constantly putting them in his mouth, so it was hard to get good pictures. It's still pretty tough to catch him smiling, but I finally got a couple.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dancing baby!

I have been back to work for two weeks now and it is going great. Bryson seems to like daycare, he enjoys the other babies and the toys. He naps very well at daycare as well. I wish he slept as much at home! His Aunt Jess was here for a visit last weekend and we finally got him laughing on video. It's amazing how much busier we are now that I'm working two days a week.